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noun; English translation: “target audience“. “Zielgruppe“ in the most general sense describes a group of people that is targeted by a certain action. In the context of marketing a “Zielgruppe“ describes the specific group of people the advertisement is designed to attract - mostly a group of a certain gender, age, location, interest or social class. Apart from marketing, almost every product or service targets a certain “Zielgruppe“, like a radio station, TV channel, movie, media platform, training program, etc. Usually the success of a product increases the smaller or more specific its “Zielgruppe“ is defined.

An example of the word “Zielgruppe“ in a sentence would be: “Die Zielgruppe des Produkts sind kinderlose Dopperverdiener der höheren Mittelklasse“ (German); “The target audience of the product is childless double job holding couples of the higher middle class“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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adjective; English translation: “antisocial“. The term “asozial“ - in contrast to “sozial“ (English: social) - is used to describe the inability or unwillingness to live in a community and contribute towards such. In the more colloquial sense, “asozial“ is sometimes used to describe somebody’s egoistic behaviour.

An example of the word “asozial“ in a sentence would be: “Dieses asoziales Verhalten ist nicht akzeptabel“ (German); “This antisocial behaviour is unacceptable“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “achievement“ or “performance“. “Leistung“ in the general sense describes an action in order to achieve a goal or fulfil a task. In the area of economy and finances “Leistung“ refers to a form of payment. In the context of sports, “Leistung“ describes the achievement of a better performance than previously.

An example of the word “Leistung“ in a sentence would be: “Das Fußball Team erbrachte eine gute Leistung an diesem Tag“ (German); “The soccer team made a great achievement that day“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “development“. “Entwicklung“ in general describes any form of development or transitional change from one state to another in a certain amount of time. In the context of biology “Entwicklung“ refers to the growth of a living being. In the field of photography, “Entwicklung“ is the process of developing a photograph. In the area of technology, “Entwicklung“ refers to the conceptional creation of an object.

An example of the word “Entwicklung“ in a sentence would be: “Die Entwicklung des Kindes ist normal“ (German); “The development of the child is normal“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “resolution“ or “purpose“. “Vorsatz“ describes something somebody plans to do in the future. In the context of criminology, “Vorsatz“ refers to a motive or reason to commit a crime, proving that the offence was committed deliberately.

An example of the word “Vorsatz“ in a sentence would be: “Sein Vorsatz für das neue Jahr ist mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören“ (German); “His resolution for the new year is to quit smoking“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “intelligence“. The word originates from the Latin word “intelligens", meaning “comprehensible“. “Intelligenz“ describes cognitive capability or sanity.

An example of the word “Intelligenz“ in a sentence would be: “Die Intelligenz des Tieres wird under Beweis gestellt“ (German); “The animal’s intelligence is being proven“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; the term was taken from the English language and integrated into German. “Burnout“ can be used in different contexts, but it generally describes a state of exhaustion or running out of power. “Burnout“ in the medical field describes the state of psychological, physical and mental exhaustion due to constant stress. “Burnout“ in the area of aviation describes the state of fuel exhaustion. “Burnout“ in the area of physics describes the state when a nuclear reactor burns through due to lack of cooling.

An example of the word “Burnout“ in a sentence would be: “Die Symptome von Burnout steigen im Winter an“ (German); “The symptoms of burnout increase in winter“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “mark“ or “brand“. The word derives from the French word “marque“ for “signing“. A “Marke“ in general can be any type of marking or labelling. In an economical context the word describes the brand of a product - a company’s copyrighted name or image. “Marke“ can also be short for “Briefmarke“ (postage stamp).

An example of the word “Marke“ in a sentence would be: “Diese Stiefel sind von einer guten Marke“ (German); “These boots are from a good brand“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “fever“. “Fieber“ is a medical term for an extraordinarily high body temperature as a reaction to a sickness. By rising the temperature, the body attempts to fight the germ or other cause of illness. In a more general context, “Fieber“ can be used to describe a symptom of stress or astir.

An example of the word “Fieber“ in a sentence would be: “Sie ging mit hohem Fieber zum Arzt“ (German); “She went to the doctor because of high fever“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “stress“ or “struggle“. “Stress“ is a negative state or reaction caused by an external conflict or problem. It can be general “Stress“ or more specific, such as psychological “Stress“, emotional “Stress“, physical “Stress“, geological “Stress“ or biological “Stress“. The opposite of “Stress“ is “Entspannung“ (relaxation) or “Erholung“ (recovery).

An example of the word “Stress“ in a sentence would be: “Stress am Arbeitsplatz kann ein Krankheitsauslöser sein“ (German); “Stress at the workplace can be a cause of sickness“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “populism“. The word derives from the Latin populus word for “people“ or “population“. “Populismus“ is a political term referring to a strategy to gain the favour of the common people. Besides that, “Populismus“ is also used as a category of literature, characterised by a writing style that evolves around relatable everyday topics.

An example of the word “Populismus“ in a sentence would be: “Der charismatische Kandidat erhofft die Wahl durch Populismus zu gewinnen“ (German); “The charismatic candidate hopes to win the election through populism“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; this is an English term that was integrated into the German language. Derived from the English word “junk“, describing something useless or inferior, “Junkie“ is to describe a person who is addicted to something, generally drugs or any other addictive substance.

An example of the word “Junkie“ in a sentence would be: “Die Familie hat den Kontakt abgebrochen seitdem er ein Junkie ist“ (German); “The family has no contact to him anymore since he is a junkie“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; this is an English term that has found usage in the German language and has the same meaning as the English “date“ or the French word “rendezvous“, referring to an arranged meeting between two people for romantic purposes at an agreed time and place. It can also be used to refer to the person who is being met at said meeting.

An example of the word “Date“ in a sentence would be: “Sie haben ein Date im Café“ (German); “They have a date at the café“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “tourism“. “Tourismus“ developed from the French term “tour“ for “travel“. “Tourismus“ is an economic term and describes the industry that evolves around anything associated with national and international travel. “Tourismus“ developed historically, as technology and means of transportation improved.

An example of the word “Tourismus“ in a sentence would be: “Die Stadt lebt vom Tourismus“ (German); “The city is dependent on tourism“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “qualification“. “Qualifikation“ describes the eligibility of someone to a certain activity or occupation. It can also be used in a competitive context, determining if a contestant reaches the following phase of the contest.

An example of the word “Qualifikation“ in a sentence would be: “Er hat nicht die notwendige Qualifikation for diesen Job“ (German); “He does not have the necessary qualification for this job“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “knowledge“. The term comes from the Latin word videre (English: seeing). “Wissen“ describes the knowing or understanding of certain information or truths. It can be related to general knowledge or to a certain field like nature, literature or education, etc.

An example of the word “Wissen“ in a sentence would be: “Viel Wissen, wenige Taten“ (German); “Much knowledge, little action“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “war“. “Krieg“ generally describes an extreme form of conflict between two or more parties - commonly a political escalation between two countries, military forces, social or ethnic groups. The “Krieg“ can be caused by a terroristic attack or conflicting interests in territory, resources, etc. “Krieg“ is often fought with military forces and weapons that have improved over the course of history.

An example of the word “Krieg“ in a sentence would be: “Im Krieg gibt es nur Verlierer, keine Gewinner“ (German); “In war there are only losers, no winners“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; direct translation: “diarrhea“. The literal translation from German means “to fall through“ and describes the condition of defecating incompletely digested food in the form of pasty to fluid stool. It can be accompanied by stomach ache, stomach cramps, and/or nausea. Possible “Durchfall“ triggers include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus or food poisoning. “Durchfall“ is the opposite of constipation. In a more colloquial context, it can also be used to describe a form of failure like failing a class.

An example of the word “Durchfall“ in a sentence would be: “Er muss wegen Durchfall zuhause bleiben“ (German); “He has to stay home due to diarrhea.“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “novella“. The word originates from the Italian word novella for “short poem“. A “Novelle“ is a form of literature, a short story about an extraordinary event or person - shorter than a “Roman“ (“novel“), which tells a long story over the span of an entire book. The stories can be either fictional or non-fiction, of any form and genre and usually for the purpose of entertainment.

An example of the word “Novelle“ in a sentence would be: “Die Novelle wird jedes Jahr von vielen Schülern gelesen“ (German); “The novella is read by many students every year“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “hero“. The word “Held“ usually describes a fictional or non-fictional person who selflessly fights for a good cause or completes a heroic action. A “Held“ is usually associated with strength, speed, persistence or bravery. It is also used to describe the protagonist of a story, a legend or myth.

An example of the word “Held“ in a sentence would be: “Der Held muss den Drachen besiegen“ (German); “The hero must defeat the dragon“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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adjective; English translation: “immediately“ or “without delay“. “unverzüglich“ describes a time span between two events, which is meant to be very short. The word can have an urgent, demanding connotation. The term is often used in legislations and contracts, describing an indefinite legal definition that requires an action of the debtor. The word is used when no timely deadline can be defined, but must be met as soon as possible.

An example of the word “unverzüglich“ in a sentence would be: “Sie verlangt, dass es unverzüglich geschieht“ (German); “She demands that it is done immediately“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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young professional

noun; this is an English term that was integrated into German. “Young professional“ describes a certain type of person or people group and loosely fits the following profile: younger than forty years old, often single and working as a professional in a non-physical job. Other definitions include “career-drivenness“ and a strong reliance on technology. The word loosely derives from the 80s term “Yuppie“ (young-urban-professional), but has found a new meaning and is still being defined.

An example of the word “Young professional“ in a sentence would be: “Sein Bruder ist einer dieser Young professional“ (German); “His brother is one of these young professionals“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “fear“ or “anxiety“. “Angst“ is a term that originates from the Latin word angustus or angustia (English: narrowness, constriction). The German word “Angst“ has been integrated into the English language as well. “Angst“ describes the feeling of fright or worry caused by a real or imaginary threat or danger. “Angst“ can also be used as the word “phobia“ and has numerous categories, such as “Todesangst“ (fear of death), “Höhenangst“ (fear of heights), “Prüfungsangst“ (fear of exams), “Zukunftsangst“ (fear of the future), and many more. Scientists say that “Angst“ and its symptoms have positive, life-preserving purposes, but in its extreme version, “Angst“ can become a chronic disorder that needs to be treated medically.

An example of the word “Angst“ in a sentence would be: “Sie hat Angst vor Spinnen“ (German); “She is afraid of spiders“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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social media

noun; this is an English term that was integrated into the German language when social media became more popular. “Social Media“ describes digital means of communication, exchange of information and a way of building relationships. “Social Media“ consists of internet platforms such as facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram, youtube and tumbler that are made for entertainment and encourage their users to share personal information and experiences online and connect with other users. Each platform has different focuses, some are made for photos and videos, while others offer room for discussions and opinions.

An example of the word “Social Media“ in a sentence would be: “Social Media hat viel Einfluss auf die Jugend“ (German); “Social Media has a big influence on the youth“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; this is an English term that was integrated into the German language recently. “Outsourcing“ is a business term describing the process of splitting a single company’s internal work process into stages and assigns them to external sub-companies. “Outsourcing“ has become a popular business strategy in many different areas of production and service worldwide since the means of mass communication and international collaboration have improved.

An example of the word “Outsourcing“ in a sentence would be: “Outsourcing schafft viele neue Arbeitsplätze“ (German); “Outsourcing creates many new jobs“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “imperialism“. “Imperialismus“ is a type of world view and a state or country’s political strategies to gain control over other countries and peoples. The word stems from the Latin word “imperium“ for “absolute power“. “Imperialismus“ can have political, economical, colonial and socio-cultural features. In the 19th century, many European countries pursued “Imperialismus“ almost in competition with each other and took control over numerous countries in Africa, Asia and some in the other continents. Until today the British commonwealth still consists of fifty-two countries, which are now independent but originally conquered in the name of “Imperialismus“.

An example of the word “Imperialismus“ in a sentence would be: “Imperialismus schrieb ein dunkles Kapitel der Geschichte“ (German); “Imperilism wrote a dark chapter in history“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “vision“. The term comes from the Latin word vīsiō for “idea“ or “imagination“. “Vision“ can on one hand describe a revelation or a dreamlike hallucination; or on the other hand an idea or a concept of the future. In history each great leader had a “Vision“ of how they could make the world a better place and gained followers who shared the same “Vision“.

An example of the word “Vision“ in a sentence would be: “Ihr solltet eure Vision verwirklichen“ (German); “You should make your vision a reality“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “company“, “firm“ or “business“. “Betrieb“ describes a place or association in which a product is produced or assembled in. It can also describe the state of a machine that is turned on and active - in that case you would say the machine is “in Betrieb“ (“in service“).

An example of the word “Betrieb“ in a sentence would be: “Sie arbeiten im Betrieb“ (German); “They work for the company“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “logistics“. “Logistik“ is an industrial term and includes every step of industrial production, such as concept, planning, organisation, operation, production, delivery and sometimes even disposal of a certain product and its information. There are many different sub-categories of “Logistik“, for example: climate, storage, medicine, temperature and transport. “Logistik“ is offered as a subject in many universities worldwide.

An example of the word “Logistik“ in a sentence would be: “Er ist Professor für Logistik“ (German); “He is a professor in logistics“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “ethics“. The word originates from the Greek word ēthikḗ for “moral“ and belongs to the area of philosophy. “Ethik“ deals with human behaviour and what is moral or immoral behaviour. “Ethik“ is very subjective concept and different behaviours are considered moral or immoral by different people from different cultures, beliefs and upbringings. Also, “Ethik“ can be applied in many different categories such as work, information, biology, medicine, environment and economy. In some universities you can study “Ethik“ and in some parts of Germany it is offered as a subject in school as an alternative to religion class.

An example of the word “Ethik“ in a sentence would be: “Aristoteles schrieb über Ethik“ (German); “Aristotle wrote about ethics“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “democracy“. “Demokratie“ is a Western concept and form of government in which the population votes, which political figure and party they want to be represented by. The person or party with the majority of votes wins and forms the government. The term comes originally from the ancient Greek word “dēmokratía“ meaning “power of the people“. There are several forms of democracies and many countries have a constitution that also includes other forms of government such as the republic. The original idea behind introducing a “Demokratie“ is to live in a community built on fairness where every individual has equal rights.

An example of the word “Demokratie“ in a sentence would be: “West Deutschland wurde 1949 erstmals eine Demokratie“ (German); “West Germany became a democracy for the first time in 1949“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; “queer“ is a word from the English language that made its way into the German vocabulary (possibly due to its similarity to the German word “quer“ which means “athward“ or “crosswise“) and shares the same meaning as the original. „Queer“ in itself can mean “weird“, “strange“ or “suspicious“ but is usually used in connection with the LGTB movement that encourages people to live out their non-mainstream sexual identity without being judged and even defends it in the name of peace and tolerance. It is not yet clearly defined who identifies themselves as “queer“, but the LGTB community tries to include all kinds of sexual orientations and identities without forgetting one. The word’s inclusion into the German language shows how these types of movements have grown internationally since it was first publicly displayed in the 1980s.

An example of the word „queer“ in a sentence would be: “Dieses Magazin schreibt für queer Leser“ (German); “This magazine writes for queer readers“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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noun; English translation: “nationalism“. “Nationalismus“ is a type of world view with a certain political movement which pursues the forming of an independent national state with its own national identity, territory and certain kind of loyal members that share the same language, ancestry and culture. Depending on each case, these specifications can be more or less exclusive. Nationalistic ideas first started to affect worldwide politics in the 18th century and had its climaxes in the form of the French Revolution and later World War I and World War II.

An example of the word “Nationalismus“ in a sentence would be: “Heute haben wir in Geschichte über Nationalismus gelernt“ (German); “Today we learned about nationalism in history class“ (English).
HannaM - 11. Oktober 2017

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Das Wort Folkorismus kommt aus dem lateinischen.
Es ist ein Musikelement die Béla Barók aufgegriffen hat.
Herbert - 3. Oktober 2017

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"Ethnopluralismus ist die Überzeugung, daß die Vielfalt der Völker, Kulturen und Religionen dieser Erde ihren Reichtum ausmacht und daher als Wert an sich erhaltenswert ist." (Quelle: Mario Alexander Müller, Kontrakultur, 2017, Stichwort: "Ethnopluralismus")
Caroline Sommerfeld - 1. Oktober 2017

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die spanische Prinzessin Isabella Clara Eugenia, geboren 1566, gestorben 1633, Tochter König Philipps II., verheiratet mit Erzherzog Albrecht von Österreich. Während des Achtzigjährigen Kriegs belagerten Truppen, an Spitze ihr Ehemann, die Stadt Ostende. Die Prinzessin hatte als Brautschatz in die Ehe die Spanische Niederlande gebracht, ab1599 regierte Albrecht dort als Landesfürst bzw. Regent.

Infantin Isabella Clara Eugenia gelobte bei Beginn der Belagerung, ihr ursprünglich weißes Hemd erst dann wechseln zu wollen, wenn Ostende gefallen ist, Erzherzog Albrecht VII. wieder zu ihr zurückkehren könne.

Die Belagerung begann 1601 und dauerte drei Jahre, drei Monate und drei Tage und war schließlich 1604 beendet.
El Hakim - 1. Oktober 2017

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Ist die Definition einer Nase in Norddeutschland, Bremen, Hamburg
anonym - 23. September 2017

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Autokratie ist eine Regierungsform bei der die Staatsgewalt in den Händen eines Herrschers oder Autokraten liegt.
anna - 7. September 2017

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RDM = Remote Device Management. Ein bidirektionaler digitaler Lichtsteuerstandard, basierend auf DMX512-A. Genormt in Standard ANSI E1-20:2010 (
Eckart Steffens - 6. September 2017

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RDM = Remote Device Management. Ein bidirektionaler digitaler Lichtsteuerstandard, basierend auf DMX512-A. Genormt in Standard ANSI E1-20:2010 (
Ecart - 6. September 2017

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